

The Queensland Mycological Society welcomes new members whether they are experienced mycologists, amateurs, or beginners who want to know more about mushrooms.

The benefits of membership in the Queensland Mycological Society are:

  • Supporting a Society dedicated to the research and conservation of Queensland fungi;
  • Monthly meetings with members/guest lecturers (excluding January);
  • The Queensland Mycologist – the informative newsletter of the Queensland Mycological Society;
  • Periodic workshops or classes in fungi identification;
  • Periodic forays or field trips to identify, photograph and collect fungi (where permission is obtained);
  • Access to foray data in .pdf format;
  • Access to the ‘Members Resources’ section on this website;
  • Library borrowing service.

Annual Subscription: $25.

Instructions for membership renewal and application:

  1. Download the membership form to your computer.
    There are two versions of this membership form:
    A membership form in pdf format.  This form works with Windows, Mac and Linux.
    A membership form in MS Word (docx) format.  This form works best with Windows.
  2. Fill out the form electronically or print out a form and fill it out manually.
  3. If you are filling out the form electronically, remember to save your changes before returning it.
  4. Completed forms can be returned via email to: memsec[at]
  5. Fee payment can be made in the following ways:
    – Electronically by bank transfer. Details are on the Membership Form.
    – Via our store:
    – Completed forms can be posted (with your cheque or money order) to:
    The Membership Secretary
    Queensland Mycological Society
    PO Box 1307
    Caloundra QLD 4551
    – Cash payment can be made in person at any meeting of the Society. The Society meets on the second Tuesday of each month (except for January) in the Auditorium of the NHVR offices at Gasworks Plaza, Newstead, Brisbane.

Current members are reminded that subscriptions are due on 1st January.

Please email the Membership Secretary if you have any questions about becoming a member, or about renewing your current membership: