QMS meetings are held in the FM Bailey room at the Queensland Herbarium, Mt Coot-tha on the second Tuesday of each month, excepting January, and commence at 6.30pm.
Meetings include a range of activities: Foray reports, Fungal interest talks, ‘Show and tell’, and sometimes a guest speaker – all of which culminates in a rostered supper.
Meeting Structure
- A short committee report.
- Foray reports (10-15 min each) – an important element of most meetings. Presenters are encouraged to discuss at least five highlights from each foray. There will occasionally be two reports per meeting.
- ‘Show & tell’ or ‘what’s fruiting now’ (5 min each). Collections brought in by members with notes for comment and discussion; members showing some of their own personal fungi projects.
- ‘General Interest’ talk (15-20 mins), which is prepared by a member. This is not expected to be an ‘expert talk’, and only occurs where interested parties nominate themselves to present a topic. Such talks still have a mycological theme and nominees endeavour to research and prepare a mini-seminar of the mycological area of particular interest to them. Previous talks have included:
- Andrew Kettle on “Fungi Mating Systems”;
- Rachel Griffiths on “Beatrix Potter as a Mycologist”;
- Dr David Holdom on “Entomophthorales – Fungal Insect Pathogens”;
- Dr John Dearnaley on “Mycorrhizal Fungi and Plant Conservation”;
- Dr Sapphire McMullan-Fisher on “Surrogates for Cryptogam Conservation Planning – a Tasmanian Trial”.
- Special Guest talk (50 min). At least three times a year, a researcher or professional working in a field which closely aligns with Mycology will present recent research or an in-depth synopsis of a subject of interest. Previous talks have included:
- Dr Ross McKenzie, Veterinary Pathologist and Toxicologist, on “Mycotoxicosis Oz: A Brief Survey of Poisonous Fungi in Australia”;
- Dr Roy Halling of New York Botanic Garden on “Boletes”;
- Dr Teresa Lebel of RBG Melbourne on “Truffles”.
8:30 – 8:50pm Supper. See supper roster. Special occasions, including the AGM and last meeting of the year, are ‘bring a plate to share’ events
8:50 – 9pm Close. Room & supper tidy up!