Fungi Key – Earthstars
The Earthstars are members of the Lycoperdaceae, the puffballs, and are in the
genus Geastrum. They have a different structure to other fungi and are even
different from other puffballs, so people who study them use terms that you may be
unfamiliar with. A short glossary and some diagrams are provided below to help.
- Asperate – with a roughened surface
- Endoperidium – the inner ‘ball’ that contains the spores
- Exoperidium – the outer covering that contains the endoperidium and which splits to
- form the stars or rays as the fungus matures
- Glabrous – with a smooth surface
- Hygroscopic – the rays close in dry weather, they become involute
- Non-hygroscopic – the rays remain in a permanently expanded state
- Pedicellate – with a stalk between the exoperidium and the ‘ball’
- Peristome – a complex structure at the top of the ‘ball’ which can be:
- Sulcate – grooved
- Fibrillose – surrounded by thin fibres
- Rays –the individual splits of the exoperidium; they can be:
- Involute – incurved partially enclosing the endoperidium like a lotus flower
- Revolute – recurved, bending downwards and lifting it off the ground
- Rugose – wrinkled
- Stoma – the pore at the top of the ball where the spores are released. It may be
- simple (naked) or complex (peristome)
- Tomentose – felted

Some Geastrums have changed their names. The latest species names are given in
the key; the older names (shown in brackets) are often on Herbarium specimen
Trial Key for Geastrum
1. | Stoma naked | 2 |
1. | Stoma with peristome | 3 |
2. | Exoperidium hygroscopic, acute rays involute | G. floriforme |
2. | Exoperidium not hygroscopic, wide rugose rays, endoperidium pedicellate (G. fenestratum) | G. fornicatum |
3. | Peristome sulcate | 4 |
3. | Peristome fibrillose | 7 |
4. | Exoperidium not hygroscopic, revolute, endoperidium pedicellate, spores 5.5 – 7.5 µm diameter (G. pectinatum) | G. tenuipes |
4. | Exoperidium hygroscopic, involute | 5 |
5. | Endoperidium sessile, involute (G. drummondii) | G. ambiguum |
5. | Endoperidium pedicellate, thick and rugose on outside | 6 |
6. | Endoperidium asperate, spores 6 – 8 µm diameter | G. campestre |
6. | Endoperidium glabrous, spores 4 – 5.5 µm diameter | G. clelandii |
7. | Stars small, < 30 mm diameter, endoperidium pedicellate | G. austrominimum |
7. | Endoperidium sessile (pedicel absent), stars larger than 30 mm diameter | 8 |
8. | Exoperidium tomentose (G. velutinum) | G. javanicum |
8. | Exoperidium glabrous | 9 |
9. | With a collar between the exoperidium and the endoperidium, spores 4 – 5 µm diameter | G. triplex |
9. | Lacking a collar, spores either larger or smaller | 10 |
10 | Spores 2.5 – 3.5 µm diameter | G. saccatum |
10. | Spores 7 – 8 µm diameter | G. australe |
Note: G. triplex is the most common earthstar recorded in Queensland; G. saccatum
is also known from several collections; all the others appear to be rare, with only 1 to
3 collections. If you find an earthstar, photograph it, collect it, make careful notes
using this key and then deposit it at the Queensland Herbarium at Mt Coot-tha.
Gretchen Evans
25 April 2022
Version 1.3