Fungi Key – Austroboletus


Note: this key requires you to determine the following characters for your specimen:
Cap: colour, size, viscidity, and whether the cap margin overhangs the pores (appendiculate) or not.
Stipe: presence or absence of reticulation and a ring and colour.
Pores: colour.
Spores: size, ornamentation and Q-value (length ÷ width).

1.Cap white, ochraceous cream, ivory or pink, stipe concolourous2
1.Cap distinctly coloured, olive, tan, brown or red-brown, stipe concolorous or not4
2.Cap dry or slightly tacky, up to 115 mm diameter, cream to ochraceous
cream; spores 15.5 – 17.7 × 4.4 – 5.5 µm
Austroboletus eburneus
2.Cap viscid; up to 55 mm diameter, white, cream or pink3
3.Cap white with pale pinkish tinges, spores 11 – 14 × 6 – 7 µmAustroboletus roseialbus
3.Cap pure white, spores 17 – 19 × 5.5 – 6 µmAustroboletus niveus
4.Cap red or olive green5
4.Cap some shade of brown7
5.Cap viscid and red at first, soon dry and becoming orange or yellow or
brown, stipe with ring
Austroboletus mutabilis
5.Cap green6
6.Cap viscid and olive green at first, drying yellowish brown, reticulum
yellowish brown
Austroboletus viscidoviridis
6.Cap dry and green, reticulum greenAustroboletus austrovirens
7.Cap red-brown and distinctly viscidAustroboletus lacunosus
7.Cap mid-brown, ochraceous or pale sienna, not distinctly viscid8
8.Stipe tall and < 15 mm diameter and stipe reticulum brownAustroboletus sp ‘Brown’
8.Stipe > 15 mm diameter and stipe reticulum white or two-tone9
9.Cap yellow-brown and reticulum whiteAustroboletus yourkae
9.Cap mid- to dark brown and reticulum pale at apex and brown below10
10.Cap with concolorous margin, spores Q = ±2Austroboletus occidentalis
10.Cap with pale appendiculate margin, spores Q ? 3Austroboletus asper