Oct 182020

QMS meetings are held in the FM Bailey room at the Queensland Herbarium, Mt Coot-tha on the second Tuesday of each month, excepting January, and commence at 6.30pm.

Meetings include a range of activities: Foray reports, Fungal interest talks, ‘Show and tell’, and sometimes a guest speaker – all of which culminates in a rostered supper.

Meeting Structure

  • A short committee report.
  • Foray reports (10-15 min each) – an important element of most meetings. Presenters are encouraged to discuss at least five highlights from each foray. There will occasionally be two reports per meeting.
  • ‘Show & tell’ or ‘what’s fruiting now’ (5 min each). Collections brought in by members with notes for comment and discussion; members showing some of their own personal fungi projects.
  • ‘General Interest’ talk (15-20 mins), which is prepared by a member. This is not expected to be an ‘expert talk’, and only occurs where interested parties nominate themselves to present a topic. Such talks still have a mycological theme and nominees endeavour to research and prepare a mini-seminar of the mycological area of particular interest to them. Previous talks have included:
    • Andrew Kettle on “Fungi Mating Systems”;
    • Rachel Griffiths on “Beatrix Potter as a Mycologist”;
    • Dr David Holdom on “Entomophthorales – Fungal Insect Pathogens”;
    • Dr John Dearnaley on “Mycorrhizal Fungi and Plant Conservation”;
    • Dr Sapphire McMullan-Fisher on “Surrogates for Cryptogam Conservation Planning – a Tasmanian Trial”.
  • Special Guest talk (50 min). At least three times a year, a researcher or professional working in a field which closely aligns with Mycology will present recent research or an in-depth synopsis of a subject of interest. Previous talks have included:
    • Dr Ross McKenzie, Veterinary Pathologist and Toxicologist, on “Mycotoxicosis Oz: A Brief Survey of Poisonous Fungi in Australia”;
    • Dr Roy Halling of New York Botanic Garden on “Boletes”;
    • Dr Teresa Lebel of RBG Melbourne on “Truffles”.

8:30 – 8:50 pm Supper. See supper roster. Special occasions, including the AGM and last meeting of the year, are ‘bring a plate to share’ events

8:50 – 9pm Close. Room & supper tidy up!

Oct 182020

With the easing of Covid 19 restrictions, QMS is pleased to announce that we will be holding in-person meetings once again!

Location: Albion Peace Centre, 102 McDonald Rd, Windsor.
Time: 6.30-8.30 pm
Speaker: Frances Guard – Marasmius crinis-equi A Horse Hair Fungus

Fran has almost completed her first year as a PhD candidate, studying the Genus Marasmius in eastern Australia. She’s been on a steep learning curve this year. This comes after a career as a Medical GP, and a fascination with fungi for about 13 years. She has published 2 new species of Marasmius and is working on another at present. Doing the detective work of who, when, where and what in fungal taxonomy is exciting, challenging and rewarding to her.

Fran Guard 1

We will be meeting in an exciting new location – hope to see you there!