Speaker – Fran Guard – Mushroaming in Bhutan
7.00-9.00pm FM Bailey room Queensland Herbarium, Mt Coot-tha.
Please note that no more forays are planned for 2019.
For more information about upcoming events, go to our Calendar 2019.
Date: Saturday 5th October, 2019
Place: The Studio, Dilkusha, Maleny.
Time: 9.30am to 3.00pm
Theme: Up-skilling QMS members for speaking to Community groups about Fungi. A practical “Hands-on” Day of learning and practising communication skills, the information QMS wants shared, and the sort of information different groups want to learn; also resources and how to find them.
Rationale: QMS is receiving more and more requests for speakers for groups such as Land for Wildlife, Field Naturalists, Landcare, Organic Growers, Garden Clubs, Native Plants Queensland(SGAP), and Arborists Associations etc. There are currently only three or four people who regularly do these engagements. However, the opportunity is there for more Members to be involved in this important educational role of the Society. Many members have skills in teaching, science and communication, but just need confidence-building in Fungal knowledge.
Registration is essential as numbers are limited to 10 only due to the practical nature of the workshop.
To register for this event please contact Fran Guard: franguard[@]icloud.com