Jul 142017

A Citizen Science Event

The Scenic Rim’s First Bioblitz

Over a 48 hour period (day and night, 10.00am Sunday 15th October to 10.00am Tuesday 17th October), we will seek and identify as many animals, plants and fungi as possible on private and Council land, taking care to cause minimal disturbance.

Experts will be on hand to guide small groups into the more sensitive areas and to identify species, and there will be demonstrations through the day.

More information is available on the Wildlife Qld website.

Jul 062017

This workshop will be presented by Dr Tony Young.  Spores from many different fungal species will be examined.

The workshop will be held at the Pooh Corner Environment Centre, 100 Wolston Rd, Walcol.

If you have a microscope, it would be very much appreciated if you could bring it along to this workshop!

Jul 032017

This is a Citizen Science event open to individuals, families, schools, nature photographers and whoever else would like to be involved.

Over a 48 hour period (day and night), we will seek and identify as many animals, plants and fungi as possible on private and Council land, taking care to cause minimal disturbance.

Experts will be on hand to guide small groups into the more sensitive areas and to identify species, and there will be demonstrations through the day.

For more information visit the website: Wildlife Qld