Feb 162017

There will be reports on the following forays:

  • Chermside Hills (26th January)
  • Baroon Pocket Dam, Montville (18th February)
  • Ben Bennett Park, Caloundra (18th March)

Members are also asked to bring something of interest, for example specimens, a book, or to speak briefly about such things as an interesting web site or a favourite species, etc..

Feb 152017

The Ben Bennett Bushland Park is one of the few remaining remnant bushland areas in the heart of Caloundra. It features walking tracks which guide visitors through the vegetation communities of Melaleuca and Eucalypt forests, coastal heaths and one of the few areas of coastal lowland vine forest.

This is the first time that the QMS will be visiting this location. It is a favourite foraying spot for some of our Sunshine Coast members, so please, come and join us!

For more details about this foray, please go to our Calendar of Events.