Aug 292016
BCC Community Conservation Partnership Program.

This will be a day of learnings and thought provoking insights from some of South East Queensland’s leading ecologists and on ground participants. The focus of the day will be discussing the important role that habitat linkages and corridors play in preserving Brisbane’s natural biodiversity.

Date: Sunday 11 September – 8.30 – 3.45pm
Location: Griffith Unviersity EcoCentre, Nathan Campus, Nathan.
RSVP: Catherine Cleary on or 3407 0050 by 2 September 2016.

The day will be fully catered so an rsvp is essential, please let Catherine know of any dietary requirements.

Plenty of seats are still available! If you haven’t already done so – please RSVP.

8.30 – 9.00am Registrations
9.00 – 9.55am Michael Petter – The value of linkages

Michael Petter has been involved in the conservation movement since the late 70’s.

He was the foundation president for both the Norman Creek Committee and the B4C. B4C is an acknowledged leader in ecological restoration in Brisbane. Through his time as chair of the NHT assessment panel, SEQ NHT technical assessment panel and SEQ Regional Strategy Group he developed an intimate understanding the landscape and rehabilitation priorities in SEQ.

Michael has also served on the QLD Landcare Catchment Management Council and the Qld Ministerial Advisory Committee on Vegetation Management. He was also the coordinator for the Brisbane Region Environment Council for 10 years and was awarded a Land and Water Australia Community Fellowship 2003 and recognised as Queensland Conservation Council Champion of Conservation in 2009. With the B4C he helped win the Theiss National Riverprize 2005 for the Oxbow Restoration Project.

For the last 9 years as well as being the chair of the B4C he has been involved, at SEQ Catchments, in the development of the SEQ Natural Resource Management Plan and Atlas for SEQ. In this role he has also assisted in the development of Nature Conservation Strategies with Council and State Agencies across SEQ.

9.55 – 10.50am Dr Don Butler – Habitat Fragmentation and the importance of corridors in an urban context.

Don’s research history runs from vegetation history to evolutionary ecology, and includes work on several important themes in landscape ecology; notably, plant invasions, threatened species and ecosystem recovery, effects of disturbance (fire, grazing, ploughing), as well as plant functional traits, and their integration into life-history strategies. Besides research, I’ve a background in vegetation survey and mapping as well as policy development and implementation (mainly vegetation clearing, nature refuges & biodiversity offsets). Broadly speaking, I’m interested in comprehending broad-scale patterns and processes affecting plants, and applying that knowledge to help people and the rest of life get along.

10.50 – 11.20am Morning Tea
11.20am – 12.15pm Prof Darryl Jones – Griffith University. Corridors and wildlife management solutions – the challenges and successes of SE QLD.

Professor Darryl Jones is a behavioural ecologist working in the fields of urban ecology and wildlife management. He is especially interested in urbanisation and the way certain species are adapting to this process.

12.15 – 1.10pm Michael J Fox – Pollinator link

Pollinator LinkTM Project Director, Michael Fox has a vision of 30,000 Brisbane backyards combining to create 800 hectares of urban wildlife habitat and bringing native animals back into our city lives. Michael draws on a background in marketing to help people see their gardens as part of a greater urban wildlife habitat.

Our communities are characterised by rapidly growing population, busy lifestyles, a culture of “quick fix” and barriers isolating people, as well as, wildlife. Brisbane has over 300,000 detached houses representing over 8,000 hectares of private garden space. The objective is to tap this opportunity by showing three simple steps a family can take at home to enhance even a small backyard, or balcony garden, with the colour, movement and song of native birds, butterflies and bees.

Recent Australian research shows obvious health benefits as well as significant increases real estate value. At the same time a Pollinator LinkTM initiative will create links among community members and create a sense of hope as individual households see how their backyard is part of local wildlife corridor and urban wildlife habitat.

1.10 – 2.15pm Lunch
2.15 – 3.00pm Frank Box- The Great Northern Glider Corridor

An ambitious community Keep Sandgate Beautiful Association (KSBA) project partnering with Brisbane City Council to ensure Cabbage Tree Creek functions adequately to allow for genetic exchange and longterm survival of the gliders in suburbia.

Frank started his first bushcare group, which continues today, in 1973. He formed the Australian Nestbox Company in 1996. Now retired, he is immediate Past President of Keep Sandgate Beautiful Assn Inc and founder of the Glider Alliance. He has long had a passion for native plants, wildlife and natural places and will tonight talk about the challenges that squirrel gliders face in Brisbane and recent moves to secure their future.

3.00 – 3.45pm Adrian Web – Moggill Creek Catchment Group

Adrian was a Soil Scientist with Qld DPI 1965-1992 and consultant to federal and state governments in natural resources management 1992-2008. Adrian has a wide experience in natural resource assessment and management nationally, land management research in cropping and grazing lands, ecological research, program evaluation, staff development. Now retired, he is an active member of the Moggill Creek Catchment Group in a wide range of resource management aspects including creek health monitoring, assessing the distribution and threats from exotic vine management in the catchment and developing projects for their management. Enjoying collaborating with wonderful officers of BCC, Biosecurity Qld, SEQ Catchments and other volunteers and landholders in the region.

Aug 162016

QMS member, Donna Davis, participated in the 2016 Artist in Residence Science Program. She joins three other participating artists – Alinta Krauth, Kay Lawrence and Jeanette Stok – in a joint showing of their works in the foyer of the Ecosciences Precinct.

These four artists have interacted with scientists from the Department of Science, Information Technology and Innovation at the Ecosciences Precinct and the Queensland Herbarium. They are joined by 12 other artists whose works also demonstrate an art-science connection.

41 Boggo Road
Dutton Park

7.30am-5.30pm, Monday–Friday (weekdays only)
8 August until 12 noon on Friday 2 September 2016.

See you there!

You can read more about Donna’s art here:

Aug 122016

Donna Davis will be speaking about her art and latest exhibition ‘Unseen : symbiotic worlds’.

Donna uses a mixed range of materials and media to represent connections and relationships within the natural world in a way which evokes curiosity and reflection. She believes that the art/science field provides a powerful catalyst to challenge our discourse, raise environmental awareness and promote the conservation of our ecology; by providing new ways of ‘seeing’ and creating new ‘connections’ in the mind of the viewer.

In 2015, her exhibition titled ‘Beyond the Seed’ was a continuation of her 2013/2014 Brisbane Botanic Gardens artist-in-residence project, ‘The Plant Room’. She investigated the hidden connections beneath our feet that impact the soil, and in turn, seed germination and plant health. It was a visual and tactile exploration of the fascinating world of fungi, with their mycelium networks and mycorrhizal associations that provide vital nutrient exchange between fungi and plants.

Her next project ‘Unseen : symbiotic worlds’ goes a step further, exploring deeper into the mysterious connections between fungi and the world around them. The Exhibition opened 8 August at Eco Science Precinct, Dutton Park and runs until 2 September 2016.

You can read more about Donna’s work on her blog: