Mar 192016

Mt Cordeaux and Mt Mitchell straddle Cunningham’s Gap and are part of the Gondwana Rainforests of the Australian World Heritage Area. The site is rich with fungal species and there is always something of interest to be found.

We start our forays in the car park, go past the cairn commemorating the explorer Alan Cunningham and some fine Hoop Pines Araucaria cunninghamii and continue along the Mt Cordeaux’s summit track for about a kilometre. If there is time, the foray may also explore some of Mt Mitchell.

For more details, go to our page about Mt Cordeaux and our Calendar of Events.

Mar 192016

Megan Prance will be giving a report for the Woondum part of the Residential Foray.

Members are asked to bring something of interest, for example specimens, a book, or to speak briefly about such things as an interesting web site or a favourite species, etc..