Oct 102013
The QMS Christmas party!

Bring a plate of your favourite Christmas goodies to share and, if you wish, wear festive attire!

Photographic and Art and Craft Display

It’s not so much a competition, as a display of wondrous things you have seen or created.

You are invited to contribute your 3 best photos for this year. They can be photos of fungi, people, or something amusing with a mycological theme.

If you like to draw or paint, you are welcome to bring a pen and ink sketch, or a coloured artwork with a fungi subject. Witty captions welcome.

And if you have created something with a fungal theme in another art or craft that you’d like to share (knitting, embroidery, woodworking, ceramics?), please bring that along too!

There will most likely be a people’s choice for the best (in various categories) on the night.

For members who can’t attend, you might wish to mail something to us for display. If it’s a photo, if possible, we’d like it to be larger than the standard print size.

Not all of the details for the night have been worked out yet… so please send us your ideas!