Apr 302012
on Sat 21 July, the Qld Mycological Society and the Veteran Tree Group Aust are holding a workshop on
Polypores and fungi on wood
This workshop will be held in Maleny, 9.30am to 1-2pm. There will be a small cost – about $10.
Focus will be the Phellinus, Ganoderma, Trametes, Stereum, Polyporus that we see in (SE) Qld, and excluding the small fungi on wood, debris and leaf.
It will be a time of sharing knowledge, information, resources and practical stuff, rather than lectures.
People can bring specimens, books, papers, there’ll be a laptop and projector.
Contact QMS Secretary info[at]qldfungi.org.au for more information.
Apr 072012

April 2012 Queensland Mycologist has been circulated amongst members.


Big thank you to David Holdom, the Editor.


If you have not recieved your copy please check your details are current with the QMS secretary.