Oct 182020

With the easing of Covid 19 restrictions, QMS is pleased to announce that we will be holding in-person meetings once again!

Location: Albion Peace Centre, 102 McDonald Rd, Windsor.
Time: 6.30-8.30 pm
Speaker: Frances Guard – Marasmius crinis-equi A Horse Hair Fungus

Fran has almost completed her first year as a PhD candidate, studying the Genus Marasmius in eastern Australia. She’s been on a steep learning curve this year. This comes after a career as a Medical GP, and a fascination with fungi for about 13 years. She has published 2 new species of Marasmius and is working on another at present. Doing the detective work of who, when, where and what in fungal taxonomy is exciting, challenging and rewarding to her.

Fran Guard 1

We will be meeting in an exciting new location – hope to see you there!

Aug 242020

Commercial Opportunities for Mycology

Sustainable Industry, Protein Production and Next Gen Neuro Drugs

As you know we normally hold our ordinary meeting on the second Tuesday of each month, and more recently these have been digital meetings via ZOOM. We have postponed our September 2020 meeting by one week (from the 8th to the 15th of September), in order to secure our guest speaker.

Nikita Alexandrov
Nikita Alexandrov is a chemist and life sciences entrepreneur with experience in mycology. Having studied mycology under Dr. Kathy Lawrence at Auburn University, Nikita went on to work with a number of commercial mycology operations such as Aloha Medicinals, the largest producer of cordyceps at the time. He went on to found a biotechnology company in molecular diagnostics and then a mycology company which specialised in large scale production equipment and operated projects in neuropharmacology of psychedelic derivatives for mental health. Working with a number of companies in Canada, Nikita has seen the genesis of the commercial psychedelic industry from the inside.

Nikita Alexandrov

Please join us at 6pm for our next meeting via Zoom. The meeting will run for 40 minutes and it will be recorded.

Invitations to the Zoom meeting with details of how to join in will be sent out via email to QMS members beforehand.

If you are not a QMS member and would like to attend, please email info[at]qldfungi.org.au

Jul 202020

Please join us at 6pm for our next meeting via Zoom. The meeting will run for 40 minutes and it will be recorded.

Invitations to the Zoom meeting with details of how to join in will be sent out via email to QMS members beforehand.

If you are not a QMS member and would like to attend, please email info[at]qldfungi.org.au

Jul 112020

Please join us at 6pm for our next meeting via Zoom. The meeting will run for 40 minutes and it will be recorded.

QMS President Wayne Boatwright will be speaking about specimen collecting.

Invitations to the Zoom meeting with details of how to join in will be sent out via email to QMS members beforehand.

If you are not a QMS member and would like to attend, please email info[at]qldfungi.org.au

Jun 222020

Location: Maroochy Bushland Botanic Gardens, Tanawha, Sunshine Coast

Time: Arrive 08:30 for a 09:00 am start – will conclude by lunch time

Site Details: Plenty of parking and amenities – no potable water. This foray covers a considerable distance over reasonably hilly terrain.

Places are limited and the final list of attendees will need to be informed of risks on site and our health and safety requirements.

To register for this event please email: info[at]qldfungi.org.au


Jun 022020

Please join us at 6pm if you can, via Zoom. The meeting will run for 40 minutes and it will be recorded.

QMS President Wayne Boatwright will share recent events and some of the finds the QMS has made, and will also speak about edibility of fungi.

Invitations to the Zoom meeting have already been sent out via email.

If you have not received an invitation and would like to attend, please email info[at]qldfungi.org.au

Apr 162020

Meeting Time: 6:00 PM Brisbane

The Queensland Mycological Society will hold its Annual General Meeting virtually through Zoom and all current financial members are invited to attend.

You should have already received an email about the AGM if you are eligible to vote. If you haven’t, please contact us using the info[at]qldfungi.org.au link below.

You can sign up to use Zoom for free on the Zoom website.

If you are having difficulty with setting up and using Zoom, please do not hesitate to contact the management committee directly and we will assist you in any way that we can.

At the Annual General Meeting, we will need to perform the following business:

  • Receive financial reports
  • Receive Auditor’s report
  • Present Statements for Adoption
  • Dissolve the current Committee
  • Elect the new Committee
  • Appoint an Auditor

Nominations for the incoming committee will be provided in due course, and you may also vote via email prior to the meeting if you do not wish to be present digitally.

For more information about the AGM or for help with Zoom, please email: info[at]qldfungi.org.au.

Mar 212020

Chermside Hills is one of the Queensland Mycological Society’s regular foray areas.

The term Chermside Hills may be understood in two ways – the reference to the hilly western regions of the suburb or to the largest of the three reserves, Chermside Hills, Raven St and Milne Hill. QMS forays may be held in any part of the three reserves. Many fungi of different types have been observed in these areas.

For more information about the foray site, go to our page on Chermside Hills.

For more information or to register for this event please email: info[at]qldfungi.org.au.